

Baiknya harus tahu kegunaan Keyboard Laptop and Notebook, memudahan berbagai aktifitas nantinya.

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Keyboard Laptop and Notebook

Mempunyai funsi untuk mempermudah aktivitas dengan hanya menekan beberapa tombol

Bacalah juga; Game asah otak merupakan game edukasi

Fungsi Keyboard utama dan khusus

seperti panduan berikut ini ;

Display these keyboard shortcuts. Shift+Alt+H

Global shortcuts Switch between visual editor and code editor. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M

Toggle fullscreen mode. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F

Open the block list view. Shift+Alt+O

Show or hide the settings sidebar. Ctrl+Shift+,

Navigate to the next part of the editor. Ctrl+` Shift+Alt+N

Navigate to the previous part of the editor. Ctrl+Shift+` Shift+Alt+P

Navigate to the nearest toolbar. Alt+F10

Save your changes. Ctrl+S

Undo your last changes. Ctrl+Z

Redo your last undo. Ctrl+Shift+Z Ctrl+Y

Selection shortcuts Select all text when typing.

Press again to select all blocks. Ctrl+A

Clear selection. escape Block shortcuts

Duplicate the selected block(s). Ctrl+Shift+D

Remove the selected block(s). Shift+Alt+Z

Insert a new block before the selected block(s). Ctrl+Alt+T

Insert a new block after the selected block(s). Ctrl+Alt+Y

Delete selection. del backspace

Move the selected block(s) up. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T

Move the selected block(s) down. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Y

Change the block type after adding a new paragraph. /

Text formatting Make the selected text bold. Ctrl+B

Make the selected text italic. Ctrl+I

Convert the selected text into a link. Ctrl+K

Remove a link. Ctrl+Shift+K

Insert a link to a post or page [[

Underline the selected text. Ctrl+U

Strikethrough the selected text. Shift+Alt+D

Make the selected text inline code. Shift+Alt+X

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